Kembali ke Drama Korea.. dan aq punya bias baru.. brondong kece Korea yg lagi2 bikin aq melting gara2 actingnya di I Can Hear Your Voice..
Udah pada nonton kan?
Yang belum harus nonton.. recomanded banged!!
Sedikit review dulu ya..
Cast drama ini ada Lee Bo Young yang berperan sebagai Jang Hye Sung. Seorang pengacara publik yg energik,cuek,angkuh dan pemberani.. awalnya menjadi pengacara publik karena ingin memperbaiki taraf hidupnya semata-mata karena materi, tetapi berjalannya waktu benar2 menjadi pengacara yang hebat. Mengabdikan dirinya buat masyarakat, buat membela dan memecahkan masalah orang2 kurang mampu. Jang Hye SUng yang mempunyai masa lalu pahit.. seorang Noona yang dengan susah payah mengakui perasaan nya ke Park So Ha (Lee JongSuk).
Cerita romance mereka manis banged >,<
Pemain berikutnya c baby brondongg unyuuuu.. yang kadang bikin gemes sendiri, karena seketika unyu.. seketika jadi manly.. yang cowok banged.. Lee Jong Suk. Berperan sebagai Par So Ha, seorang murid SMA yang punya masa lalu kelam karena kejadian pembunuhan yang terjadi pada ayahnya. Setelah peristiwa itu maka dia berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk mencari dan mlindungi seorang cewek yg dulu pernah membantunya menjadi saksi dipengadilan saat kasus ayahnya... cewek itu Jang Hye Sung. 10 tahun berlalu dan akhirnya So Ha menemukan Hye Sung.. yang juga merupakan cinta pertamanya. So Ha cowok ganteng, jago teakwondo , idola banyak cewek dan punya satu kelebihan lagi yaitu mampu membaca pikiran orang lain lewat matanya..
Ada beberapa cas lagi yaitu Yoon Sang Hyun (Cha Kwan Wo) dan Lee Da Hee (Seo Do Yeon)
Karna kali ini aq mau bahas best moment I Can Hear Voice nya jadi aq udah siapin foto dari capt I Can Hear Your Voice ^^
*silahkan sipain bantal atau guling buat yang mupeng ;)
*So Ha-yaaaaaa.. back hug nya bikin noona mupeng T.T
Scene Hye Sung tertusuk pisau..
*baby dont cry T.T
Scene di depan apartemen So Ha.. sesuai sidang.. Hye Sung nemenin So Ha yang ga bisa masuk ke apartemen nya..
*So manly.. so touching heart.. kyaaaaaaaa >,<
He takes her hand, and notices the half-erased scrawl marks that she
had written down furiously during the trial. He thinks back to it now, and
lifts her hand up to his lips and kisses it softly
Yeahhhhh this is the sweetest back hug T.T
Suddenly he comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her in a back-hug. She’s startled, and even more so when he starts to cry on her shoulder. He says through his tears: “You’re the idiot. Your life is in danger again. How does my innocence come first? How?”
He buries his head into her shoulder, and she smiles. She raises a hand to pat him on the head and says, “Thanks. For keeping your promise.”
Scene waktu Hye Sung mencoba menutupi perasaan ke So Ha dan memilih pergi sama pengacara Cha.
*menyayat hatiiii.. hikkkssss..
He watches them go and suddenly starts to panic with his hands
pressed against the window: “Don’t go! Don’t go!”
Rainy scene.. so romantic.. So Ha yang putus asa.. ujan2 sendirian terus Hye Sung dateng.. dan dia sadar kalo dia benar2 jatuh cinta sama brondong ini ^^..
“That kid just keeps worrying me.” She walks over to him now in the rain, and he looks up with his puppy eyes, lighting up the second he sees her. She mutters aloud at him: “You drive me crazy.”
“It doesn’t make any sense, but… I think I like that kid.”
Seorang Noona bilang cinta ^^ ..
She reaches up and grabs his face in her hands to make him
look into her eyes. “I like you, So Ha-ya. As a dongseng, as a friend, and… as
a man.”
She admits, “Ever since I started to like you, I disliked and feared your ability. I have so many thoughts now that I don’t want uncovered. I feel like every time they’re found out, I’ll resent you. And then when I think about that resentment hurting you, that’s horrible. And beyond that, there are all sorts of reasons why we don’t work, and I think that at some point we have to get over these feelings..”
So Ha: There are more times when
the thing that makes the world and relationships between people more peaceful.. is lies rather than truth. Lies can suture discord and calm insecurity for a
short time. Truth is more uncomfortable than lies, so most people ignore the
truth. I am the same. Telling the truth is often more painful. And so often
when faced with truth..I close my eyes.
Hye Sung baca diary So Ha.. diary yang udah 10 th nemenin So Ha..
*Sedihhhh ihhh sumpah dehhh
So Ha : If I disappear.. I’d like it
if you never knew, and instead thought that I was living well somewhere,
studying hard, hanging out with friends, dreaming of becoming a police officer.
I’d like you to believe that I was living well that way. If I disappear.. I’d
like it if you didn’t cry. I’d like you to be happy. And once in a while.. just
once in a while..I’d like you to remember me.
So Ha: I know why you’re anxious,
and I know why you’re always preparing for a time without me. But even if that
time comes, I won’t worry. Even when ten years had passed, I recognized you.
When I lost my memories, when I had erased you, I came to love you again. Even
if ten more years pass, if I lose my memories again, if that time you’re
worried about comes.. I’ll find you.. and I’ll love you again.
Abis baca diary So Ha.. Hye Sung jadi ga bisa bohong lagi sama perasaan nya dan ga mau kehilangan So Ha..
Dan di ep ini.. So Ha ngledekin Hye Sung buat teriak bilang cinta..
Dan di tutup dengan kecup manis So Ha >,<
Ending nya ga bakal kecewaaa.. karna happy ending ^^
So Ha : There’s this person… She’s
almost unbelievably snobby, rude, and doesn’t have an ounce of modesty. But
that person began to fight for the truth and began to see people. As I was
swimming through darkness, she became my light, and my road. Without that
person, I could never have made it here. Because of that person, I learned how
precious it is to protect someone. Because of that person, I learned how
important it is to listen to other people.